Little Anvil | Lighting and Decor | Melbourne

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The Kingdom of Doug

In May 2012, my wife Victoria launched her crowd funding campaign on Pozible to help finance her short film, The Kingdom of Doug. She set her target at $10,000 and by the end of the campaign in mid June she had hit just over the $16,000 mark. We were amazed at the generosity of friends and family and even more surprised by the people that we didn't know who had taken to time to donate. ​

Over the next few months Victoria and her producer Naomi secured the support of a whole range of talented actors, camera operators, editors, composers and creatives to help produce TKOD. They have just had the great news that the film has been accepted into The Brooklyn Film Festival and I believe it's one of only 4 Australian films to be accepted this year - global entries were over 2000. There's also great news on another US festival - more info to be provided soon...

In the meantime, huge congratulations to Victoria, Naomi, Voula, Dan, Laura, Louise, Ed, Annabelle, David and everyone else that was involved. Here's a short trailer that was cut by the talented Ashlee Lukas.​
